Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Speech Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

rescue Evaluation - Essay ExampleThe boonation I chose is that of Neurolife speech, the reason why I chose this speech is because of the position it which is first runners up. This presentation is both a persuasive and informative speech whereby the bestower uses techniques to make this audience to become interested in his message and in any case to prove his idea. The writer starts his speech with a small narrative and theoretical account of his ideas, by this he makes his presentation more interesting and this also helps in making the audience to be attentive.The use of statistics in his speech makes his idea more realistic and interesting to his viewers, through these the presenter is able to present his idea, the problem involved and the solution to the problem.At the end of your speech, return to the musical theme sentence and revise it. Ask for their assistance by challenging them to do something, summarizing the important points, and indicating your let intention to do something. Close with a strong appeal for action.The main aim of this presentation is to persuade and at the same time inform the audience, the presenter directly conveys this method by presenting his case to his audience using statistics and at the same time facts of the idea.the presentation was organised in a logical manner whereby there was an introduction, followed by the problem statement, possible solutions and then the best solution and finally the recommendations, after this the presenter asked questions to be forwarded to him, the presenter uses an ascending order of points whereby he starts with an introduction and lastly finishes with the question part.The presenter motivates his audience by analysing the possible benefits and solutions to his idea, through this he motivates his audience to do exactly what he prefers to be d ace. Speech deliverythe presenter is good in presenting this speech in that he is not shy and is confident enough in that he presents his speech in the best way, he negotiation in a confident voice and the audience to not struggle to hear what he has to say because he talks in an audible volume level, the presenter also does not read his presentation from a source he rather reads out only the topic and then discusses the tropic without referring or reading from an other source, this shows that the presenter is confident. The presenter also has ticker to eye contact with the audience and this is very help estimable as it motivates them to pay attention and also shows how much confident the presenter is with his idea. The standing posture is also very important in presentation, the presenter stands upright, moves from one position to another and he talks in a clear and confident voice taking necessarily breaks to avoid the change in savour or talk strains.The length of the speech is of good time period, the presenter does not take keen-sighted to finish his presentation as very long speeches tend to be tiring and boring to t he audience, therefore he adheres to time and presents his speech in the time provided.ConclusionThe presenter summarises his main points in his speech at the end, the presenter afterwards concludes is objective to the speech and asks for any question that the audience may have, he later thanks his audience and exits. This speech therefore is an example of a good speech whereby the presenter properly and logically brings out his main points and finally concludes having convinced his audience.the use of body language and direct eye to eye contact with the audience is a clear indication of confidence in the presenter and also with the idea he presents, he uses humour and questions in order to keep his audience to

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