Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Quality and Problem Solving (global tourism management) Essay

Quality and Problem Solving (global tourism management) - Essay Example The organization has successfully captured a favorable contract from a tour operator in the United Arab Emirates and will be receiving a significant proportion of guests. The customers are Emirati guests who espouse a culture highly divergent from western orientations. The challenge is to determine how to successfully address the quality issues in such an arrangement. Before venturing into determining what is required in addressing the needs of the Emirati (citizens of United Arab Emirates) guests, the driving philosophy should first be identified. The staff of the Royal Edwardian Hotel should adopt a quality policy that stresses service quality as opposed to value for price paid or maximum profit. The relationship between service quality and business performance has long been established in hospitality (Hakes, 1991; Bowen and Shoemaker, 1998; Pizam and Ellis, 1999). Researchers such as Caruana (2002), Cronin and Taylor (1992) and Teas (1994) have shown that service quality is antecedent to customer satisfaction. Furthermore, customer satisfaction is antecedent to customer loyalty (Bloemer and Kasper, 1995; Caruana, 2002; McDougall and Levesque, 2000). In the hotel industry, service quality is considered as defined and the discerning customer will evaluate quality and develop satisfaction or dissatisfaction in each encounter (Bitner et al., 1990). As hotel experience is made up of individual discrete encounters, it is important to make sure that everything is perfect (Min et al, 2002). The quality management scheme should therefore emphasize gathering and interpreting correctly the traits and characteristics of the customer. It is important to survey the Arab customers to find what they are specifically looking for in a Royal Edwardian Hotel stay. The hotels should determine customer expectations regarding a British hotel experience. According to Clow & Vorhies (1993), the customer forms expectations through a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Beyond Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Beyond Good and Evil Essay UPPOSING that Truth is a woman—what then? Is there not ground for suspecting that all philosophers, in so far as they have been dogmatists, have failed to understand women—that the terrible seriousness and clumsy importunity with which they have usually paid their addresses to Truth, have been unskilled and unseemly methods for winning a woman? Certainly she has never allowed herself to be won; and at present every kind of dogma stands with sad and discouraged mien—IF, indeed, it stands at all! For there are scoffers who maintain that it has fallen, that all dogma lies on the ground—nay more, that it is at its last gasp. But to speak seriously, there are good grounds for hoping that all dogmatizing in philosophy, whatever solemn, whatever conclusive and decided airs it has assumed, may have been only a noble puerilism and tyronism; and probably the time is at hand when it will be once and again understood WHAT has actually sufficed for the basis of such imposing and absolute philosophical edifices as the dogmatists have hitherto reared: perhaps some popular superstition of immemorial time (such as the soul-superstition, which, in the form of subject- and ego-superstition, has not yet ceased doing mischief): perhaps some play upon words, a deception on the part of grammar, or an audacious generalization of very restricted, very personal, very human—all-too-human facts. Beyond Good and Evil S The philosophy of the dogmatists, it is to be hoped, was only a promise for thousands of years afterwards, as was astrology in still earlier times, in the service of which probably more labour, gold, acuteness, and patience have been spent than on any actual science hitherto: we owe to it, and to its ‘super- terrestrial’ pretensions in Asia and Egypt, the grand style of architecture. It seems that in order to inscribe themselves upon the heart of humanity with everlasting claims, all great things have first to wander about the earth as enormous and awe- inspiring caricatures: dogmatic philosophy has been a caricature of this kind—for instance, the Vedanta doctrine in Asia, and Platonism in Europe. Let us not be ungrateful to it, although it must certainly be confessed that the worst, the most tiresome, and the most dangerous of errors hitherto has been a dogmatist error—namely, Plato’s invention of Pure Spirit and the Good in Itself. But now when it has been surmounted, when Europe, rid of this nightmare, can again draw breath freely and at least enjoy a healthier—sleep, we, WHOSE DUTY IS WAKEFULNESS ITSELF, are the heirs of all the strength which the struggle against this error has fostered. It amounted to the very inversion of truth, and the denial of the PERSPECTIVE— the fundamental condition—of life, to speak of Spirit and the Good as Plato spoke of them; indeed one might ask, as a physician: ‘How did such a malady attack that finest product of antiquity, Plato? Had the wicked Socrates really corrupted him? Was Socrates after all a corrupter of youths, and deserved his hemlock? ’ But the struggle against Plato, or—to speak plainer, and for the ‘people’—the strugFree eBooks at Planet eBook. com gle against the ecclesiastical oppression of millenniums of Christianity (FOR CHRISITIANITY IS PLATONISM FOR THE ‘PEOPLE’), produced in Europe a magnificent tension of soul, such as had not existed anywhere previously; with such a tensely strained bow one can now aim at the furthest goals. As a matter of fact, the European feels this tension as a state of distress, and twice attempts have been made in grand style to unbend the bow: once by means of Jesuitism, and the second time by means of democratic enlightenment—which, with the aid of liberty of the press and newspaper-reading, might, in fact, bring it about that the spirit would not so easily find itself in ‘distress’! (The Germans invented gunpowder-all credit to them! but they again made things square—they invented printing. ) But we, who are neither Jesuits, nor democrats, nor even sufficiently Germans, we GOOD EUROPEANS, and free, VERY free spirits—we have it still, all the distress of spirit and all the tension of its bow! And perhaps also the arrow, the duty, and, who knows? THE GOAL TO AIM AT†¦. Sils Maria Upper Engadine, JUNE, 1885. Beyond Good and Evil CHAPTER I: PREJUDICES OF PHILOSOPHERS 1. The Will to Truth, which is to tempt us to many a hazardous enterprise, the famous Truthfulness of which all philosophers have hitherto spoken with respect, what questions has this Will to Truth not laid before us! What strange, perplexing, questionable questions! It is already a long story; yet it seems as if it were hardly commenced. Is it any wonder if we at last grow distrustful, lose patience, and turn impatiently away? That this Sphinx teaches us at last to ask questions ourselves? WHO is it really that puts questions to us here? WHAT really is this ‘Will to Truth’ in us? In fact we made a long halt at the question as to the origin of this Will—until at last we came to an absolute standstill before a yet more fundamental question. We inquired about the VALUE of this Will. Granted that we want the truth: WHY NOT RATHER untruth? And uncertainty? Even ignorance? The problem of the value of truth presented itself before us—or was it we who presented ourselves before the problem? Which of us is the Oedipus here? Which the Sphinx? It would seem to be a rendezvous of questions and notes of interrogation. And could it be believed that it at last seems to us as if the problem had never been propounded before, as if we were the first to discern it, get a sight of it, Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com .and RISK RAISING it? For there is risk in raising it, perhaps there is no greater risk. 2. ‘HOW COULD anything originate out of its opposite? For example, truth out of error? or the Will to Truth out of the will to deception? or the generous deed out of selfishness? or the pure sun-bright vision of the wise man out of covetousness? Such genesis is impossible; whoever dreams of it is a fool, nay, worse than a fool; things of the highest value must have a different origin, an origin of THEIR own—in this transitory, seductive, illusory, paltry world, in this turmoil of delusion and cupidity, they cannot have their source. But rather in the lap of Being, in the intransitory, in the concealed God, in the ‘Thing-in-itself— THERE must be their source, and nowhere else! ’ —This mode of reasoning discloses the typical prejudice by which metaphysicians of all times can be recognized, this mode of valuation is at the back of all their logical procedure; through this ‘belief’ of theirs, they exert themselves for their ‘knowledge,’ for something that is in the end solemnly christened ‘the Truth. ’ The fundamental belief of metaphysicians is THE BELIEF IN ANTITHESES OF VALUES. It never occurred even to the wariest of them to doubt here on the very threshold (where doubt, however, was most necessary); though they had made a solemn vow, ‘DE OMNIBUS DUBITANDUM. ’ For it may be doubted, firstly, whether antitheses exist at all; and secondly, whether the popular valuations and antitheses of value upon which metaphysicians have set their seal, are not perhaps merely superficial estimates, merely provi Beyond Good and Evil sional perspectives, besides being probably made from some corner, perhaps from below—‘frog perspectives,’ as it were, to borrow an expression current among painters. In spite of all the value which may belong to the true, the positive, and the unselfish, it might be possible that a higher and more fundamental value for life generally should be assigned to pretence, to the will to delusion, to selfishness, and cupidity. It might even be possible that WHAT constitutes the value of those good and respected things, consists precisely in their being insidiously related, knotted, and crocheted to these evil and apparently opposed things—perhaps even in being essentially identical with them. Perhaps! But who wishes to concern himself with such dangerous ‘Perhapses’! For that investigation one must await the advent of a new order of philosophers, such as will have other tastes and inclinations, the reverse of those hitherto prevalent—philosophers of the dangerous ‘Perhaps’ in every sense of the term. And to speak in all seriousness, I see such new philosophers beginning to appear. 3. Having kept a sharp eye on philosophers, and having read between their lines long enough, I now say to myself that the greater part of conscious thinking must be counted among the instinctive functions, and it is so even in the case of philosophical thinking; one has here to learn anew, as one learned anew about heredity and ‘innateness. ’ As little as the act of birth comes into consideration in the whole process and procedure of heredity, just as little is ‘being-conscious’ OPPOSED to the instinctive in any decisive Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com sense; the greater part of the conscious thinking of a philosopher is secretly influenced by his instincts, and forced into definite channels. And behind all logic and its seeming sovereignty of movement, there are valuations, or to speak more plainly, physiological demands, for the maintenance of a definite mode of life For example, that the certain is worth more than the uncertain, that illusion is less valuable than ‘truth’ such valuations, in spite of their regulative importance for US, might notwithstanding be only superficial valuations, special kinds of maiserie, such as may be necessary for the maintenance of beings such as ourselves. Supposing, in effect, that man is not just the ‘measure of things. ’ 4. The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it: it is here, perhaps, that our new language sounds most strangely. The question is, how far an opinion is lifefurthering, life- preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-rearing, and we are fundamentally inclined to maintain that the falsest opinions (to which the synthetic judgments a priori belong), are the most indispensable to us, that without a recognition of logical fictions, without a comparison of reality with the purely IMAGINED world of the absolute and immutable, without a constant counterfeiting of the world by means of numbers, man could not live—that the renunciation of false opinions would be a renunciation of life, a negation of life. TO RECOGNISE UNTRUTH AS A CONDITION OF LIFE; that is certainly to impugn the traditional ideas of value in a dangerous manner, and a phi Beyond Good and Evil losophy which ventures to do so, has thereby alone placed itself beyond good and evil. 5. That which causes philosophers to be regarded halfdistrustfully and half-mockingly, is not the oft-repeated discovery how innocent they are—how often and easily they make mistakes and lose their way, in short, how childish and childlike they are,—but that there is not enough honest dealing with them, whereas they all raise a loud and virtuous outcry when the problem of truthfulness is even hinted at in the remotest manner. They all pose as though their real opinions had been discovered and attained through the self-evolving of a cold, pure, divinely indifferent dialectic (in contrast to all sorts of mystics, who, fairer and foolisher, talk of ‘inspiration’), whereas, in fact, a prejudiced proposition, idea, or ‘suggestion,’ which is generally their heart’s desire abstracted and refined, is defended by them with arguments sought out after the event. They are all advocates who do not wish to be regarded as such, generally astute defenders, also, of their prejudices, which they dub ‘truths,’— and VERY far from having the conscience which bravely admits this to itself, very far from having the good taste of the courage which goes so far as to let this be understood, perhaps to warn friend or foe, or in cheerful confidence and self-ridicule. The spectacle of the Tartuffery of old Kant, equally stiff and decent, with which he entices us into the dialectic by-ways that lead (more correctly mislead) to his ‘categorical imperative’— makes us fastidious ones smile, we who find no small amusement in spying out Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com the subtle tricks of old moralists and ethical preachers. Or, still more so, the hocus-pocus in mathematical form, by means of which Spinoza has, as it were, clad his philosophy in mail and mask—in fact, the ‘love of HIS wisdom,’ to translate the term fairly and squarely—in order thereby to strike terror at once into the heart of the assailant who should dare to cast a glance on that invincible maiden, that Pallas Athene:—how much of personal timidity and vulnerability does this masquerade of a sickly recluse betray! 6. It has gradually become clear to me what every great philosophy up till now has consisted of—namely, the confession of its originator, and a species of involuntary and unconscious auto-biography; and moreover that the moral (or immoral) purpose in every philosophy has constituted the true vital germ out of which the entire plant has always grown. Indeed, to understand how the abstrusest metaphysical assertions of a philosopher have been arrived at, it is always well (and wise) to first ask oneself: ‘What morality do they (or does he) aim at? ’ Accordingly, I do not believe that an ‘impulse to knowledge’ is the father of philosophy; but that another impulse, here as elsewhere, has only made use of knowledge (and mistaken knowledge! ) as an instrument. But whoever considers the fundamental impulses of man with a view to determining how far they may have here acted as INSPIRING GENII (or as demons and cobolds), will find that they have all practiced philosophy at one time or another, and that each one of them would have been only too glad to look upon itself as the ultimate end of existence 10 Beyond Good and Evil and the legitimate LORD over all the other impulses. For every impulse is imperious, and as SUCH, attempts to philosophize. To be sure, in the case of scholars, in the case of really scientific men, it may be otherwise—‘better,’ if you will; there there may really be such a thing as an ‘impulse to knowledge,’ some kind of small, independent clock-work, which, when well wound up, works away industriously to that end, WITHOUT the rest of the scholarly impulses taking any material part therein. The actual ‘interests’ of the scholar, therefore, are generally in quite another direction— in the family, perhaps, or in money-making, or in politics; it is, in fact, almost indifferent at what point of research his little machine is placed, and whether the hopeful young worker becomes a good philologist, a mushroom specialist, or a chemist; he is not CHARACTERISED by becoming this or that. In the philosopher, on the contrary, there is absolutely nothing impersonal; and above all, his morality furnishes a decided and decisive testimony as to WHO HE IS,—that is to say, in what order the deepest impulses of his nature stand to each other. 7. How malicious philosophers can be! I know of nothing more stinging than the joke Epicurus took the liberty of making on Plato and the Platonists; he called them Dionysiokolakes. In its original sense, and on the face of it, the word signifies ‘Flatterers of Dionysius’—consequently, tyrants’ accessories and lick-spittles; besides this, however, it is as much as to say, ‘They are all ACTORS, there is nothing genuine about them’ (for Dionysiokolax was a popular Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 11 name for an actor). And the latter is really the malignant reproach that Epicurus cast upon Plato: he was annoyed by the grandiose manner, the mise en scene style of which Plato and his scholars were masters—of which Epicurus was not a master! He, the old school-teacher of Samos, who sat concealed in his little garden at Athens, and wrote three hundred books, perhaps out of rage and ambitious envy of Plato, who knows! Greece took a hundred years to find out who the garden-god Epicurus really was. Did she ever find out? 8. There is a point in every philosophy at which the ‘conviction’ of the philosopher appears on the scene; or, to put it in the words of an ancient mystery: Adventavit asinus, Pulcher et fortissimus. 9. You desire to LIVE ‘according to Nature’? Oh, you noble Stoics, what fraud of words! Imagine to yourselves a being like Nature, boundlessly extravagant, boundlessly indifferent, without purpose or consideration, without pity or justice, at once fruitful and barren and uncertain: imagine to yourselves INDIFFERENCE as a power—how COULD you live in accordance with such indifference? To live—is not that just endeavouring to be otherwise than this Nature? Is not living valuing, preferring, being unjust, being limited, endeavouring to be different? And granted that your imperative, ‘living according to Nature,’ means actu1 Beyond Good and Evil ally the same as ‘living according to life’—how could you do DIFFERENTLY? Why should you make a principle out of what you yourselves are, and must be? In reality, however, it is quite otherwise with you: while you pretend to read with rapture the canon of your law in Nature, you want something quite the contrary, you extraordinary stage-players and self-deluders! In your pride you wish to dictate your morals and ideals to Nature, to Nature herself, and to incorporate them therein; you insist that it shall be Nature ‘according to the Stoa,’ and would like everything to be made after your own image, as a vast, eternal glorification and generalism of Stoicism! With all your love for truth, you have forced yourselves so long, so persistently, and with such hypnotic rigidity to see Nature FALSELY, that is to say, Stoically, that you are no longer able to see it otherwise— and to crown all, some unfathomable superciliousness gives you the Bedlamite hope that BECAUSE you are able to tyrannize over yourselves—Stoicism is self-tyranny—Nature will also allow herself to be tyrannized over: is not the Stoic a PART of Nature? †¦ But this is an old and everlasting story: what happened in old times with the Stoics still happens today, as soon as ever a philosophy begins to believe in itself. It always creates the world in its own image; it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical impulse itself, the most spiritual Will to Power, the will to ‘creation of the world,’ the will to the causa prima. 10. The eagerness and subtlety, I should even say craftiness, with which the problem of ‘the real and the apparent world’ Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 is dealt with at present throughout Europe, furnishes food for thought and attention; and he who hears only a ‘Will to Truth’ in the background, and nothing else, cannot certainly boast of the sharpest ears. In rare and isolated cases, it may really have happened that such a Will to Truth—a certain extravagant and adventurous pluck, a metaphysician’s ambition of the forlorn hope—has participated therein: that which in the end always prefers a handful of ‘certainty’ to a whole cartload of beautiful possibilities; there may even be puritanical fanatics of conscience, who prefer to put their last trust in a sure nothing, rather than in an uncertain something. But that is Nihilism, and the sign of a despairing, mortally wearied soul, notwithstanding the courageous bearing such a virtue may display. It seems, however, to be otherwise with stronger and livelier thinkers who are still eager for life. In that they side AGAINST appearance, and speak superciliously of ‘perspective,’ in that they rank the credibility of their own bodies about as low as the credibility of the ocular evidence that ‘the earth stands still,’ and thus, apparently, allowing with complacency their securest possession to escape (for what does one at present believe in more firmly than in one’s body? ),—who knows if they are not really trying to win back something which was formerly an even securer possession, something of the old domain of the faith of former times, perhaps the ‘immortal soul,’ perhaps ‘the old God,’ in short, ideas by which they could live better, that is to say, more vigorously and more joyously, than by ‘modern ideas’? There is DISTRUST of these modern ideas in this mode of looking at things, a 1 Beyond Good and Evil disbelief in all that has been constructed yesterday and today; there is perhaps some slight admixture of satiety and scorn, which can no longer endure the BRIC-A-BRAC of ideas of the most varied origin, such as so-called Positivism at present throws on the market; a disgust of the more refined taste at the village-fair motleyness and patchiness of all these reality-philosophasters, in whom there is nothing either new or true, except this motleyness. Therein it seems to me that we should agree with those skeptical anti-realists and knowledge-microscopists of the present day; their instinct, which repels them from MODERN reality, is unrefuted †¦ what do their retrograde by-paths concern us! The main thing about them is NOT that they wish to go ‘back,’ but that they wish to get AWAY therefrom. A little MORE strength, swing, courage, and artistic power, and they would be OFF—and not back! 11. It seems to me that there is everywhere an attempt at present to divert attention from the actual influence which Kant exercised on German philosophy, and especially to ignore prudently the value which he set upon himself. Kant was first and foremost proud of his Table of Categories; with it in his hand he said: ‘This is the most difficult thing that could ever be undertaken on behalf of metaphysics. ’ Let us only understand this ‘could be’! He was proud of having DISCOVERED a new faculty in man, the faculty of synthetic judgment a priori. Granting that he deceived himself in this matter; the development and rapid flourishing of German philosophy depended nevertheless on his pride, and on the Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 eager rivalry of the younger generation to discover if possible something—at all events ‘new faculties’—of which to be still prouder! —But let us reflect for a moment—it is high time to do so. ‘How are synthetic judgments a priori POSSIBLE? ’ Kant asks himself—and what is really his answer? ‘BY MEANS OF A MEANS (faculty)’—but unfortunately not in five words, but so circumstantially, imposingly, and with such display of German profundity and verbal flourishes, that one altogether loses sight of the comical niaiserie allemande involved in such an answer. People were beside themselves with delight over this new faculty, and the jubilation reached its climax when Kant further discovered a moral faculty in man—for at that time Germans were still moral, not yet dabbling in the ‘Politics of hard fact. ’ Then came the honeymoon of German philosophy. All the young theologians of the Tubingen institution went immediately into the groves—all seeking for ‘faculties. ’ And what did they not find—in that innocent, rich, and still youthful period of the German spirit, to which Romanticism, the malicious fairy, piped and sang, when one could not yet distinguish between ‘finding’ and ‘inventing’! Above all a faculty for the ‘transcendental†; Schelling christened it, intellectual intuition, and thereby gratified the most earnest longings of the naturally pious-inclined Germans. One can do no greater wrong to the whole of this exuberant and eccentric movement (which was really youthfulness, notwithstanding that it disguised itself so boldly, in hoary and senile conceptions), than to take it seriously, or even treat it with moral indignation. Enough, however—the world 1 Beyond Good and Evil grew older, and the dream vanished. A time came when people rubbed their foreheads, and they still rub them today. People had been dreaming, and first and foremost—old Kant. ‘By means of a means (faculty)’—he had said, or at least meant to say. But, is that—an answer? An explanation? Or is it not rather merely a repetition of the question? How does opium induce sleep? ‘By means of a means (faculty), ‘namely the virtus dormitiva, replies the doctor in Moliere, Quia est in eo virtus dormitiva, Cujus est natura sensus assoupire. But such replies belong to the realm of comedy, and it is high time to replace the Kantian question, ‘How are synthetic judgments a PRIORI possible? ’ by another question, ‘Why is belief in such judgments necessary? ’—in effect, it is high time that we should understand that such judgments must be believed to be true, for the sake of the preservation of creatures like ourselves; though they still might naturally be false judgments! Or, more plainly spoken, and roughly and readily—synthetic judgments a priori should not ‘be possible’ at all; we have no right to them; in our mouths they are nothing but false judgments. Only, of course, the belief in their truth is necessary, as plausible belief and ocular evidence belonging to the perspective view of life. And finally, to call to mind the enormous influence which ‘German philosophy’—I hope you understand its right to inverted commas (goosefeet)? —has Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 exercised throughout the whole of Europe, there is no doubt that a certain VIRTUS DORMITIVA had a share in it; thanks to German philosophy, it was a delight to the noble idlers, the virtuous, the mystics, the artiste, the three-fourths Christians, and the political obscurantists of all nations, to find an antidote to the still overwhelming sensualism which overflowed from the last century into this, in short—‘sensus assoupire. ’ †¦ 12. As regards materialistic atomism, it is one of the best- refuted theories that have been advanced, and in Europe there is now perhaps no one in the learned world so unscholarly as to attach serious signification to it, except for convenient everyday use (as an abbreviation of the means of expression)— thanks chiefly to the Pole Boscovich: he and the Pole Copernicus have hitherto been the greatest and most successful opponents of ocular evidence. For while Copernicus has persuaded us to believe, contrary to all the senses, that the earth does NOT stand fast, Boscovich has taught us to abjure the belief in the last thing that ‘stood fast’ of the earth—the belief in ‘substance,’ in ‘matter,’ in the earth-residuum, and particle- atom: it is the greatest triumph over the senses that has hitherto been gained on earth. One must, however, go still further, and also declare war, relentless war to the knife, against the ‘atomistic requirements’ which still lead a dangerous after-life in places where no one suspects them, like the more celebrated ‘metaphysical requirements†: one must also above all give the finishing stroke to that other and more portentous atomism which Christianity has 1 Beyond Good and Evil taught best and longest, the SOUL- ATOMISM. Let it be permitted to designate by this expression the belief which regards the soul as something indestructible, eternal, indivisible, as a monad, as an atomon: this belief ought to be expelled from science! Between ourselves, it is not at all necessary to get rid of ‘the soul’ thereby, and thus renounce one of the oldest and most venerated hypotheses—as happens frequently to the clumsiness of naturalists, who can hardly touch on the soul without immediately losing it. But the way is open for new acceptations and refinements of the soul-hypothesis; and such conceptions as ‘mortal soul,’ and ‘soul of subjective multiplicity,’ and ‘soul as social structure of the instincts and passions,’ want henceforth to have legitimate rights in science. In that the NEW psychologist is about to put an end to the superstitions which have hitherto flourished with almost tropical luxuriance around the idea of the soul, he is really, as it were, thrusting himself into a new desert and a new distrust—it is possible that the older psychologists had a merrier and more comfortable time of it; eventually, however, he finds that precisely thereby he is also condemned to INVENT—and, who knows? perhaps to DISCOVER the new. 13. Psychologists should bethink themselves before putting down the instinct of self-preservation as the cardinal instinct of an organic being. A living thing seeks above all to DISCHARGE its strength—life itself is WILL TO POWER; self-preservation is only one of the indirect and most frequent RESULTS thereof. In short, here, as everywhere else, Free eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 let us beware of SUPERFLUOUS teleological principles! — one of which is the instinct of self- preservation (we owe it to Spinoza’s inconsistency). It is thus, in effect, that method ordains, which must be essentially economy of principles. 14. It is perhaps just dawning on five or six minds that natural philosophy is only a world-exposition and worldarrangement (according to us, if I may say so! ) and NOT a world-explanation; but in so far as it is based on belief in the senses, it is regarded as more, and for a long time to come must be regarded as more—namely, as an explanation. It has eyes and fingers of its own, it has ocular evidence and palpableness of its own: this operates fascinatingly, persuasively, and CONVINCINGLY upon an age with fundamentally plebeian tastes—in fact, it follows instinctively the canon of truth of eternal popular sensualism. What is clear, what is ‘explained’? Only that which can be seen and felt—one must pursue every problem thus far. Obversely, however, the charm of the Platonic mode of thought, which was an ARISTOCRATIC mode, consisted precisely in RESISTANCE to obvious sense-evidence—perhaps among men who enjoyed even stronger and more fastidious senses than our contemporaries, but who knew how to find a higher triumph in remaining masters of them: and this by means of pale, cold, grey conceptional networks which they threw over the motley whirl of the senses—the mob of the senses, as Plato said. In this overcoming of the world, and interpreting of the world in the manner of Plato, there was an ENJOYMENT different from that which the physicists 0 Beyond Good and Evil of today offer us—and likewise the Darwinists and antiteleologists among the physiological workers, with their principle of the ‘smallest possible effort,’ and the greatest possible blunder. ‘Where there is nothing more to see or to grasp, there is also nothing more for men to do’—that is certainly an imperative different from the Platonic one, but it may notwithstanding be the right imperative for a hardy, laborious race of machinists and bridge- builders of the future, who have nothing but ROUGH work to perform. 15. To study physiology with a clear conscience, one must insist on the fact that the sense-organs are not phenomena in the sense of the idealistic philosophy; as such they certainly could not be causes! Sensualism, therefore, at least as regulative hypothesis, if not as heuristic principle. What? And others say even that the external world is the work of our organs? But then our body, as a part of this external world, would be the work of our organs! But then our organs themselves would be the work of our organs! It seems to me that this is a complete REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM, if the conception CAUSA SUI is something fundamentally absurd. Consequently, the external world is NOT the work of our organs—? 16. There are still harmless self-observers who believe that there are ‘immediate certainties†; for instance, ‘I think,’ or as the superstition of Schopenhauer puts it, ‘I will†; as though cognition here got hold of its object purely and simply as ‘the thing in itself,’ without any falsification taking place eiFree eBooks at Planet eBook. com 1 ther on the part of the subject or the object. I would repeat it, however, a hundred times, that ‘immediate certainty,’ as well as ‘absolute knowledge’ and the ‘thing in itself,’ involve a CONTRADICTIO IN ADJECTO; we really ought to free ourselves from the misleading significance of words! The people on their part may think that cognition is knowing all about things, but the philosopher must say to himself: ‘When I analyze the process that is expressed in the sentence, ‘I think,’ I find a whole series of daring assertions, the argumentative proof of which would be difficult, perhaps impossible: for instance, that it is I who think, that there must necessarily be something that thinks, that thinking is an activity and operation on the part of a being who is thought of as a cause, that there is an ‘ego,’ and finally, that it is already determined what is to be designated by thinking—that I KNOW what thinking is. For if I had not already decided within myself what it is, by what standard could I determine whether that which is just happening is not perhaps ‘willing’ or ‘feeling’?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Indias Economy and Infrastructure :: India Economy

India's Economy and Infrastructure OVERVIEW India is rich in natural resources and manpower and has made significant economic progress since attaining independence in 1947. India's economy encompasses traditional village farming, forestry, fishing, modern agriculture, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of support services. Economy transformed from primarily agriculture, forestry, fishing, and textile manufacturing in 1947 to major heavy industry, transportation, and telecommunications industries by late 1970s. Central government planning in 1950 through late 1970s giving way to economic reforms and more private-sector initiatives in 1980s and 1990s. A sophisticated industrial base has been created and a large pool of skilled manpower has emerged. Nevertheless, 67% of India's labor force (nearly 400 million) works in agriculture, which contributes 30% of the country's GDP. Production, trade, and investment reforms since 1991 have provided new opportunities for Indian businesspersons and an estimated 300 million middle class consumers. New Delhi has avoided debt rescheduling, attracted foreign investment, and revived confidence in India's economic prospects since 1991. Many of the country's fundamentals - including savings rates (26% of GDP) and reserves (now about $24 billion) - are healthy. Inflation eased to 7% in 1997, and interest rates dropped to between 10% and 13%. Even so, the Indian Government needs to restore the early momentum of reform, especially by continuing reductions in the extensive remaining government regulations. Moreover, economic policy changes have not yet significantly increased jobs or reduced the risk that international financial strains will reemerge within the next few years. Nearly 40% of the Indian population remains too poor to afford an adequate diet. India's exports, currency, and foreign institutional investment were affected by the East Asian crisis in late 1997 and early 1998, but capital account controls, a low ratio of short-term debt to reserves, and enhanced supervision of the financial sector helped insulate it from near term balance-of-payments problems. Export growth, has been slipping in 1996-97, averaging only about 4% to 5%Ââ€"a large drop from the more than 20% increases it was experiencing over the prior three yearsÂâ€"mainly because of the fall in Asian currencies relative to the rupee. Energy, telecommunications, and transportation shortages and the legacy of inefficient factories constrain industrial growth, which expanded only 6.7% in 1997Ââ€"down from more than 11% in 1996. Growth of the agricultural sector is still fairly slow rebounding to only 5.7% in 1997 from a fall of 0.1% in 1996. Agricultural investment has slowed, while costly subsidies on fertilizer, food distribution, and rural electricity remain .

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dot Net Principles and Concepts

NET framework offers developers with an object oriented environment; it guarantees safe execution of the applications by performing required runtime validations. .NET framework combines unprecedented developer productivity with reliability in performance and powerful deployment. .NET is a rapid application development and a comprehensive tool that is used effectively and widely for creating distributed applications, and as well as designing and developing web based and windows based applications.Interoperability in .Net:One of the prominent features of .Net framework is its support for language interoperability. The program should be developed using set of rules defined in Cross Language Specifications (CLS), such program can be used by other languages. But .Net does not support every program written in a language can be used by another language, it only supports for those program whose rules are defined in Cross Language Specifications. For instance we can develop a class in C# from class already developed in VB.Net. Moreover, .NET Common Language Runtime allows VB.Net program to handle an exception that is raised by a program written in C#.NET and COM interoperability feature provides a bridge between the .NET and COM and vice versa. .NET framework enables developers to save additional migration cost by describing how .NET components can communicate with existing COM components. There is no need to modify developed COM components into .NET components. NET Framework and the .NET Common Language Runtime enables the powerful communication with the old technologies and allow the integration of legacy code with new .NET components.Security in .Net:The enhanced security components in .NET frame makes our applications more secure and robust. Moreover, it can help the developers by minimizing the amount of code they need to write. Security implementation is a complicated task, and Microsoft has provided new security features to make the applications more secure and p rotected. Apart from the encapsulation and security functionality provided by the core of Windows operating system, .NET framework provides numerous additional and improved types such as public key cryptography, ASP.NET, Code Access Security Certificates and Certificate stores Public Key Cryptography Standard. .Net framework also provides object centric security; it allows the developers to control access to different types of objects. For example a developer can control the file system and the registry of systems that implement object centric security.Basically there are two types of security in .NET: Role Based Security, Code Access Security. Common Language Runtime security allows the developer to use Code Access Security. Code Access Security enforces security policies that prevent unauthorized access to protected resources and process. Moreover Code Access Security allows the developer to do the following: Restrict what your code can do, Restrict which code can call your code, and Identify code. For instance: By using Code Access Security defined in the Common   Language Runtime,   if a developer creates security policy that user cannot save the file on the hard disk. If user try to save any information on the hard disk, that security policy enforces the user and user cannot save the information.Stability and Maintenance in .Net:Usullay IT Project Managers faces budget over runs and missed deadlines,most of the time   risk management of the projects and completion of the projects under acceptable conditions is almost impossible. The main reason is due to lack of   stable   technologies and tools available in the market and used by different teams. The right answer to all of these issues is Microsoft .NET framework, because it is based on internet standards like XML and Web services and also due to the .NET framework ease of integration on the Windows operating system.As .Net framework is stable and projects typically finish ahead of schedule and under budget constraint. That gives it an edge over others, most of the risk managers depends on rapid and robust .Net tool to manage the financial impact of missed deadlines. For instance if two teams are developing same project on two different tools, first on VB.Net and second on Java and both are developing project for Windows platform. First team will complete project earlier than the second team, one of the main reason is .Net applications are more stable with Windows platform.One of the distinguishing features of .Net framework is that it is easy to deploy and maintain. Usually projects developed in .Net framework are easy to install on client machines and due to the supporting nature of .Net framework, projects are maintained by the programmers with no difficulty. For example code generation techniques using technologies such as XSLT are playing a significant role in software projects by providing the support to a rapidly maintainable code base.Works CitedHallogram Publishi ng: from the World Wide Web: Home: The Microsoft Journal for Developers:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cheese and Technical Manuals

Sets (Part I) 1. List all the subsets of { 8, 16, 27, 31, 60} { } {8} {16} {27} {31} {60} {8, 16} {8, 27} {8, 31} {8, 60} {16, 27} {16, 31} {16, 60} {27, 31} {27, 60} {31, 60} {8, 16, 27} {8, 16, 31} {8, 16, 60} {8, 27, 31} {8, 27, 60} {8, 31, 60} {16, 27, 31} {16, 27, 60} {16, 31, 60} {27, 31, 60} {8, 16, 27, 31} {8, 16, 27, 60} {8, 16, 31, 60} {8, 27, 31, 60} {16, 27, 31, 60} {8, 16, 27, 31, 60} 2. Determine the number of subsets of {mom, dad, son, daughter} 16 3. At MegaSalad, a salad can be ordered with some, all, or none of the following set of ingredients on top of the salad greens: {ham, turkey, chicken, tomato, feta cheese, cheddar cheese, cucumbers, onions, red peppers, hot peppers }. How many different variations are there for ordering a salad? 1024 4. Let U = {q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z} A = {q, s, u, w, y} B = {q, s, y, z} C = {v, w, x, y, z} Determine A ? (B ? C) A intersect (qwyzvx) = {q,w,y} 5. Use the Venn diagram to list the set of elements in roster form. Find A ? B. {b, e, j, h, n, u} Sets (Part II) Also, for the first SLP I want you to put into practice what you have learned about sets and functions. I want you to create three sets, set A, set B, and set C by going through the items you use at work (or in your field). * Set A will be a list of all of these items. {wrench, technical manuals, computer, cigarettes} * Create Set B, from the items in Set A that you think are essential. {wrench, technical manuals} * Create Set C, by taking the complement of Set B in Set A, i. e. all of the non-essential items. {computer, cigarettes} * Are sets B and C proper subsets of set A? Explain. Sets B and C are proper subsets of set A because each element of B is an element of A but B isn’t equal to A. You are a Motor Sergeant in charge of a motor pool and the responsibility to ensure maintenance is properly being conducted. Your set A could consist of all of the items you use while working {wrench, technical manuals, computer, cigarettes} while set B could consist of items you use outside of the motor pool {computer, cigarettes}. Set C could be items that you need while working on a vehicle {wrench, technical manuals}. Both Set B and C are still considered proper subsets of A because each subset contains at least one element.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Egyptian art essays

Egyptian art essays Fauvism is the short-lived (really short, only lasted from 1989 to 1908, all but ten years) Wild Beast of the expressionists, the one with the widest range of un-natural colors and the luminosity of a million suns. It is the kind of style where the color rules supreme, and serves as the primary conveyor of its user, presenting the meaning and serves as the emotion force of the piece. The creator of this style of art was Matisse, and he was heavily influenced by The Neoimpressionists; probably because of the fact, that he was a student of Gustave Moreau. Yet, it is clearly seen in Matisses Woman with the Hat, that the contrasting, vibrant and unnatural colors he used was the main theme in Fauvism. The colors were so pure to their own, that it got a hold of the viewers attention, and received stronger reactions from its audience it as well as lit up the picture with the unique luminosity only those purest of colors combined as one can give. It is a magnificent style of its time. There were others who followed this short-lived style which included; Marquet, Rouault, Camoir, Puy, Manguin, Derain, Vlaminck, Havre, Friesz, Dufy, Braque, and Dongen. More noticeably from the group was Derain with his landscape with pure color, applied with short and powerful strokes. The period of Fauvism was a brief period where the arts were liberated from its original limitations of color, and brought strong influences to the later twentieth-century styles; especially to the Germen Impressionist Kandinsky. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Book report James half brother of Jesus Essays

Book report James half brother of Jesus Essays Book report James half brother of Jesus Essay Book report James half brother of Jesus Essay Essay Topic: History O Brother Where James is seen to be the most practical and interesting books of the New Testament. My previous book report on Romans, Pauls message expounded salvation by faith, where James expresses this faith in the way the Christian should live his life. To the Reformers of the Reformation, they saw this as coming dangerously close to a works-based salvation, (Richards 1994:573). But be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only (James 1:22, KJV). Author. Nelson accepts the view of most scholars that James the half brother of Jesus is the author, as the epistle is somewhat similar to a speech in Acts 15 by James the half brother of Jesus, (Nelsons 1996:453). Richards also subscribes the authorship to James the half brother of Jesus. He goes on to say that James was a prominent leader of the Jerusalem church, a position confirmed by the Apostle Paul in Gal 2:9. He earnt the nickname of the just by the early church, (Richards 1994:573). Hayford states that the author identifies himself as simply James, however, the name was very common in its day, and that there are at least five of them identified in the New Testament, two being disciples. Tradition ascribes the author to Jesus half brother and hence there has been no reason to question this view. (Hayford 1992:437). Elwell points out that the only other contender for authorship was James the son of Zebedee, however, his early martyrdom (A.D. 44; cf. Acts 12:2) probably removes him fro m consideration. Still others think that the good, almost literary Greek of the letter, along with the way the author handles the topic of justification (2:14-26), makes it likely that someone toward the end of the first century wrote the letter and ascribed it to James. But this theory is unnecessary and calls into question the honesty of the writer. There is every reason to accept the widespread opinion of the early church that James, the brother of the Lord, wrote this letter, (Elwell 1989 CDROM). Carson has some interesting contradictions, stating that it was written by an anonymous James, as the James of our Lord, would have mentioned his special relationship. Also, could a Galilean Jew, who never left Palestine, with concepts derived from Greek philosophy and religion, compose Greek with such sophisticated allusions? Many say no, (Carson 1992:411). However, I agree with Elwell as with tradition. I would tend to give much weight to the traditionally accepted views, as they are not given lightly. Date. Elwell concludes that the book was written in the early A.D. 40s, making it possibly the earliest New Testament book to be written. He goes on to say that the time frame is backed up by references in his writing, ie. the reference to the synagogue as the place of meeting (2:2), and the fact that the sharp debates over the place of the Law in Christianity, so prevalent from the latter 40s on, are not reflected in the letter, (Elwell 1989 CDROM). Hayford gives a broader estimate, between A.D. 48 and A.D. 62. This is based on the time of the church council (Acts 15), and the year he was stoned to death, respectively, (Hayford 1995:437). Nelson also believes it to be among the earliest writings of the New Testament, (A.D. 46-49), based on a number of factors; 1). No mention of Gentile believers. 2). Little verbal agreement with the Synoptic, therefore written before them. 3). He uses the word synagogue for the term church, patterned after the Jewish synagogues. 4). Lastly, James does not mention the issues involved in the Jerusalem council of Acts 15, A.D. 49, (Nelsons 1996:455). I would agree with Nelsons view, as it is based on sound reason and backed up by good evidences from the writings in light of what was happening historically. Theme. The characteristics of true faith. James directs his readers toward Godly living, through fifty-four exhortations over 108 verses. What results is a strong statement of Christian ethics, (Hayford 1995:437). James insistence that genuine Christian faith must become evident in works. He opposes strongly the all too common tendency among Christians to rest content, with a half hearted, compromising faith that seeks to have the best of this world and the next, (Carson 1992:418). Faith without works is dead, and faith without works cannot be called faith and is worse than having no faith at all. It must have good fruit as its by-product, (Nelson 1996:453). James new very well, like Paul did that true faith was expressed in obedience. That they are to lead lives that gives justice and credibility to the statement that Jesus is Lord, (Richards 1992:517). If Paul saw Christ in the heavens establishing our righteousness, James saw Him on earth telling us to be perfect, even as His Father in h eaven is perfect. Paul was saying, take the Gospel in, James is saying take it out, (Mears 1998:604). Structure. I. Address and Greeting (1:1) II. Trials and Temptation (1:2-18) III. Putting the Word into Practice (1:19-2:26) IV. Worldliness in the Church (3:1-4:12) V. Looking at Life from a Christian Perspective (4:13-5:11) VI. Concluding Exhortations (5:12-20) Application. James emphasises two areas of Christian life, personal growth in the spiritual life and sensitivity in personal relationships. He contends that any faith that does not contend with both these attitudes is a dead faith. It challenges those who tend to talk rather than walk their way to heaven, (Hayford 1995:437). James has concerns with libertines, has emphasised a justification before men by works, faith as a genuine fruitful product, thereby being justified in daily proof by behaving like Christ, (Nelson 1996:457). There is great concern that James and Paul are contradicting each other in regards to how a person is justified before God. This is not the case as there is an important difference in which Paul and James can be appropriately harmonised. James is using the verb dikaioo vindicate before people; therefore Paul is talking of the declaration of our righteousness and James the demonstration of our righteousness, (Carson 1992:419). James is much like proverbs. He gives many short pithy exhortations, touching on a variety of important subjects to the Christian life. A wonderful book in teaching our people how to live for the Lord, (Richards 1992:517). Ergo (work) relates to the doings of human beings in everyday life, which demonstrates itself to be obedient fulfillment of the divine will, of the law. It applies to every part of the believers life, ie. at work or acts of love, (Brown 1976:1148). Distinctive Pentecostal Beliefs. God continues to provide good gifts for His children. As James points out, He is unchanging, unlike the sun, moon, stars and planets who continually change their appearance. As an outstanding example of Gods good gifts, James cites the new, spiritual birth that Christians have experienced (v. 18). This new birth, or regeneration, is motivated solely by the will of God; accomplished through the instrument of the word of truth, the gospel (cf. 2 Cor. 6:7; Eph. 1:13; Col. 1:5; 2 Tim. 2:15), it has as its purpose the bringing into being of firstfruits, the first harvest of the fruits produced by Gods eternal plan of redemption, (Elwell 1989 CDROM). James calls himself a bondservant to the Lord Jesus or more to the point slave. This applies to all Christians who acknowledge Jesus as Lord of their lives. Jesus is the object of their faith (2:1), of whose name and by whose power we minister in (4:14-15). He is the divine glory, the presence of God on earth, (Hayford 1995:436). God makes our trials the instrument of blessing (1:3). Many times our trials bring impatience, but God will give grace so that all things work for His real purpose. Time is nothing with God, so we must remember that patience is more necessary than anything else in our faith life. Christs purpose for us is that we shall be perfect and entire, wanting nothing, (Mears 1998:606). There are three main uses of works in the bible. Works of God, works of Christ, and works of man as pertaining to faith. The believer demonstrates the divine character of Christ within him by his good works (Mt 5:16). Good works is therefore the evidence of living faith and appeals to those who think they are saved by faith alone without works, (Douglas 1988:1261).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

General Classification of Main Essay Types The Top 10

General Classification of Main Essay Types The Top 10 What is an essay? Interestingly, but the majority of students gets confused or even stressed the very moment they are  asked to come up with this piece of academic work. Firstly, an essay evaluates an issue, with the purpose to present your personal academic opinion on a given subject. Secondly, each type of writing is designed to convey a certain message and perform a certain function. Thirdly, you have to take various viewpoints into account, organize them properly reflect the informed opinion on the topic.   offers premium quality services in writing different types of essays. You will get top-quality writing, done in strict accordance with your requirements.  Order now  and save your time! 10 Most Common Essay Types to Feel Quite at Home in Academic Setting Descriptive Essay  |  Definition Essay  |  Compare and Contrast Essay  |  Cause and Effect  |  Narrative Essay  |  Process Essay  |  Argumentative Essay  |  Critical Essay  |  Expository Essay  |  Persuasive Essay An essay is like an empty canvas. So, fill it with vivid and clear ideas! Vivid picture + clear understanding are your top priorities. These Are the  Top Types of Essay Writing #1 Descriptive Essay, or What’s This? A descriptive essay describes whatever one likes, sees, feels, makes or how it works, happens, sounds, tastes, smells – from the beautiful flower in a vase to the process of honey-making by bees.  Descriptive essays provide every sensory detail of what is actually described. DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE #2 Definition Essays, or Love Is†¦ A definition essay defines the true meaning + importance of abstract concepts, timeless values, specific terms. Definition essays explain deeper more directly than dictionaries. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for definition: speaking about (this), in other words, (or) rather, moreover, in fact, on the one/the other hand, above all. GET IDEA TO WRITE YOUR DEFINITION ESSAY #3 Compare Contrast Essays, or Spot the Difference/Similarity! A compare/contrast essay explores either differences or similarities (likenesses) between 2 places, religions, people, things, concepts, etc.  Comparison/contrast essays focus on the similarities and/or differences, which is done to convince or entertain the reader. A compare essay reviews the similarities, a contrast essay reviews the differences. TOP 30 TOPICS FOR COMPARE AND CONTRAST ESSAY   #4 Cause Effect Essays, or How It Comes A cause/effect essay explains the way why things happen, how it comes what follows next.  Cause/effect essays resemble a study of how it all began what will be the conclusion of all this. This type of essays may address either causes effects tied together, or each of them alone. For example, 3 effects as a result of 1 cause or 3 causes resulting in 1 effect. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for cause-and-effect: for the (simple) reason that, due to (the fact that), whatever happens, in case, even/only if, as a result (of this), thus/consequently/therefore.   READ A SAMPLE OF A CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY #5 Narrative Essays, or One Night I Fell to Thinking of the Past†¦ A narrative essay always tells a story about a single personal experience – either a boring party or an exciting sightseeing excursion, daily routine event or life-shaping voyage.  Narrative essays are generally written in the 1st person, using ‘I’. #6 Process Essays, or Step-by-Step Guide A process essay typically guides on how to do this or that, how this or that is done. It’s a walkthrough, the so-called ‘stepwise refinement’.  Process essays work out in detail, demonstrating specific actions/giving specific instructions to be performed in a series. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for process discussion: in the (first, second, etc.) place, initially, next, eventually, last but not least, finally, in conclusion. #7 Argumentative Essays, or 5 Watertight Arguments Why You Should  Learn to Write Essays An argumentative essay functions as a means for a writer to get a solid argument across to a reader. The purpose of this type of essay is to express an argument in order  to sway the reader to see the topic  through the author’s point of view. It is a useful type of essay for students of any educational level because it is good practice to not only argue a case but also to articulate one’s thoughts on a certain matter. This type of essay uses stern language, solid facts, and undeniable examples as proof that the argument is immaculate. Without these features, the argumentative essay ceases to flow well and comes across as weak.  A good argumentative writer has a solid sense of what he or she believes should be said in any situation. They also have an organized idea of how to articulate the argument against possible opposing ideas. ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY TOPICS #8 Critical Essays, or The Court Delivers a Verdict A critical essay brings somebody or something into focus, analyzing the strengths or weaknesses of things, events, people, etc. Critical essays discuss how well the work is done whether its creator has managed the task by conveying the message in his/her book, film, painting. Here are TOP-7 effective transitions for criticism: frankly speaking, with attention to, important to realize, another key point, first thing to remember, most compelling evidence, on the positive/negative side CRITICAL ESSAY #9 Expository Essay An expository essay is an essay that requires extensive research on an idea or issue. The writer must present an  evaluation of the issue and the conclusion based on  his or her findings. One of the functions of  this essay format is to learn how to conduct a  research. Research requires a certain set of skills. It takes a lot of practice to obtain them.  Students may want to draw from their own experiences when discussing certain issues they write about. But through expository essay writing, students will find out,  that doing research can be rewarding. Expository essay writing brings a new light to an aspect or idea they probably would not have come to on their own. Expository essays are opinion based essays, so there are no wrong answers when presenting it. However, expect this essay type to be at least 5 paragraphs in length. READ A SAMPLE OF AN EXPOSITORY ESSAY #10 Persuasive Essay Unlike the argumentative essay, the persuasive essay’s main purpose is to persuade readers towards the authors case. Argumentative essays express an argument or opinion. They are not meant to change the reader’s perspective. Most persuasive essays focus on current issues and what people should do about them. Persuasive essays can be  really challenging. Students must show confidence and authority in their writing. They must come across as credible writers. When a persuasive essay loses its credibility, it will ultimately lose the reader. In everyday life situations, charm allows a person to easily persuade another one. Since a persuasive essay is a written piece, it lacks that personal connection. So, the writer should present strong views to sway their readers and do not come across as pushy. Most writers and persuasive essay authors are able to find their own personal connection to their readers through their writing experience. Many students find this as a challenge early on, but with practice and guidance, they soon write persuasive essays naturally. 30 IDEAS FOR PERSUASIVE ESSAY TOPICS is your one-stop shop when it comes to different types of writing. Various types of essay, any complexity level, any length, a number of pages and formatting we are the ones who are ready to help. We are in this business since 2005 and we know how to write standing out  essays. Pick any of our top writers and you will get a paper that stands out! Order now and we will get right to the job!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 45

No topic - Essay Example This company has developed an innovative way of conducting its advertisements. As such, the company has adopted branded entertainment as a key strategy of ensuring that it conveys the adverts of its clients in an effective manner. This has been evidenced by the ability of the company to place the adverts of various products in comic books, video games and Broadway musicals that include the pop music (Bradley, Kelley and Hudson 6). The company has also realized that entertainment is a rich platform, which can be used to convey various adverts on products that companies adverts. This is because entertainment attracts a large number of potential customers of products from different companies. Branded entertainment is also facilitating in improving the viewership of the quality adverts. Hence, consumers have illustrated a positive acceptance of this form of advertisement by make purchase choices, which are based on these

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assisted Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assisted Migration - Essay Example The traditional environmental preservation concept sought to preserve the environmental conditions, and thus make them more suitable and habitable for the plant and animal species, without any interference with the species that would entail moving them. Climatic change has occurred following global warming, deforestation and other human-interruptive environmental activities, which has rendered the climate and the habitats for various species to consistently change, and thus become less habitable by the species that previously lived in such environments (Assisted Migration, 84). With these changes, the species of organisms are trying to move from the regions where the environmental conditions have been disrupted, to the regions where the environment is naturally suitable for them. This discussion seeks to argue that we ought to engage in Assisted Migration. Explanation of an argument Assisted Migration is necessary in the modern climatic conditions, to ensure that the plant and animal species that are living in regions that do not favor them, are rescued and moved to other regions, where they can co-exist favorably and continue to thrive. Human beings are the ultimate contributors to the environmental and the climatic changes that have been experienced in the world (Assisted Migration, 77). ... ensure that the living organisms have been moved to the safer and environmentally friendly regions, which are compatible with their natural requirements. Considering that the damage is already done in certain environmental conditions where such species used to co-exist, the only way of guarding against the extinction of such species is finding for a favorable environment for them, and then moving the species there. It is therefore the responsibility of human beings to ensure that the species that would have survived, without the climate change that the humans have caused, continues to survive, no matter what (Assisted Migration, 77). This commitment requires that humans will do everything, even if it means moving the organisms that are stressed out to an environment that is friendly to them, as long as it is sure that the species will thrive under the new climate. This serves as the fundamental basis for supporting the thesis that; we ought to engage in Assisted Migration, since the survival and safeguarding against the extinction of endangered species is paramount, which calls for the necessary measures to be adopted to ensure the survival of such organisms, notwithstanding the costs or the implication of this act on the organisms’ baseline (Assisted Migration, 76). Reasonable criticism to the argument While the concept of Assisted Migration is vital to ensure the survival and continued thrive of endangered species, while guarding them against extinction, it is detrimental and disruptive to the natural species, since it amounts to the creation of invasive species (Assisted Migration, 78). Thus, any attempt to move organisms from their natural habitat to a different one, despite the fact that it would enhance the survival of such species, will violate the integrity

Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Cross cultural management - Essay Example Limited cultural training barred most interactions. Though, participating parties rated this handy experiment as a major embodiment of their education. Introduction Virtual teams are turning into a standard element of worldwide business affiliations. The globalization of affiliations and technological advancements ensue into driving this virtual team notion that may continue to augment and develop into the predictable future. Virtual groups vary from face groups. One key difference is that they are thoroughly geographically placed, a fact that forces individuals to aim at overcoming time, affiliation boundaries and time (Ahuja, Galletta, and Carley, 2003). Moreover, communication is continually identified as the key to fruitful virtual teams. Therefore, communication and its several elements are a prime focus of this study. Virtual workgroups can typically be acknowledged by their traits. Virtual teams are a functional team that is inter-reliant in work management, having displayed e quality in responsibility for upshots and universally managing relations across affiliation boundaries. ... Additionally, virtual teams provide the opportunity to form culturally, assorted solutions; enhances creativity and a strong sense of unity among the involved team players. This can also encourage a firm acceptance of new notions, offering a competitive merit for international affiliations. Other merits are cost savings related to lodging and travel, time separation which makes the project to be active and access to most of the influential people in the affiliation joining deliberations at a pantry cost (Furnham, 2000). The demerits of virtual teams are that they often lean to utilise a more time-consuming deliberation process. When misunderstandings and poor communication occur, conflicts may arise among working teams. The time and geographical distance zones between team members may make a resolution of these constraints harder (Zakaria, Amelinckx and Wilemon, 2004). Cultural constraints of notably diverse nations may aggravate the drawbacks. Communication and trust One of the most pertinent keys to affluence with regard to communication is complete trust among teams and their members. Team associates ought to feel liberated to assert their viewpoints with no fear of critics. This constraint can be more complicated if team affiliates have hardly met each other or know pantry regarding their workmates (Warkentin et al, 2002). The swift trust phenomenon postulates that team players import anticipations of trust from common settings. In virtual teams, there is overtly meagre time to reserve and develop any mode of individual relationships. Workforces are constantly selected for virtual teams based on a sundry knowhow set, with pantry or no considerable attention given to a past record of working closely together (Oertig,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Personal Development Plan - Essay Example It shall also evaluate team building theories and the implications for effective management of practice. Finally, this paper shall justify my managerial style within the workplace. In effect, this paper shall critically analyse the evidence base for the action plan with the application of current management theories. Discussion As stated in the personal development plan, I need to develop my communication skills. At present, my communication skills are limited and they need improvement; more particularly, my English speaking skills need improvement. Communication is an important part of effective management because it assists in my self-improvement and it aids in successful management (Adair, 2009, p. 4). By increasing reading materials, I can improve my reading and writing skills; and by enrolling in private English classes, I can improve my grammar and syntax, as well as my technical writing skills. These methods can help inject confidence into my speaking, reading, writing, and li stening skills (Lehman, 2007, p. 69). Improving communication is a basic need or skill which has to be fulfilled before I can move on to bigger goals. Fulfilling this need is very much in keeping with the theory as set forth by Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs (Outward Bound, 2007, p. 56). There are different theories and motivation and leadership, and these theories affect the management of organizations. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, people start off fulfilling first their physiological needs and then go on to fulfil their safety, social, esteem, and finally self-actualization needs (Owston, n.d). People therefore can be motivated by their basic needs and also by other more noble goals or causes. For some employees, their motivation in working can start off with the basic need to feed their families (Marchionini, 2006, p. 42). At this stage, they would not look beyond the purpose of their work besides feeding themselves and their family. However, once t heir basic purpose is served, they go beyond that basic goal into higher goals – perhaps, that of saving for their family, and later serving humanity through their work (Marchionini, 2006, p. 42). In my case, my motivation for improving on my communication and eventually my information technology (IT) skills is to maximize use of our organizations’ IT programs. In terms of leadership, the loftier goal for many world leaders has been on the motivation of their armies – with one side insisting that his goal has more moral worth than the others (Owston, n.d). In this case, some leaders may see the need to deliver pain or threats in order to motivate, and others believe that doing so would not be effective ways of motivating people. In other ways, promising more tangible things like money, food, and even excitement can serve better ways of motivating people (Owston, n.d). In managing change, Maslow’s approach to leadership basically welcomes change because a member or even a leader eventually moves up in the hierarchy of needs. Once he fulfils a need, he has to change and move beyond that need on to bigger and better things (Koltko-Rivera, 2006, p. 302). Maslow’s theory therefore, handles and manages change well. McGregor divided human management into the

Effects of Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Effects of Outsourcing - Essay Example (Hira, 2005) The process of outsourcing is continuous and does not have to be an all or nothing deal. It can occur in phases depending on current trends in the industry. The following are a list of the three main types of outsourcing: Partial Outsourcing- This is when certain activities are kept in house such as customer service while other more specialized activities are sourced out. Plants and telecom offices would typically engage in this type of outsourcing. No Outsourcing- The operations performed day to day are highly unique to an individual business and vital to marketing believability. An example would be a college or university. (Outsourcingsurvival, 2007) While outsourcing operations has its benefits, there are reasons why a business should carefully examine the disadvantages it may present. One is the loss of managerial authority. It is much easier to manage employees in house than it is to manage an outsourced service provider. Outsourcing does not eliminate management responsibilities; it simply changes the nature and level of responsibility. It is also possible to lose sight of day-to-day operations while focusing on coordinating contracts with an outsourced company. Add to that the legal fees that will be incurred for putting together these contracts. The main reason to outsource is to reduce overall costs and any hidden fees may affect a business' bottom line. Another disadvantage that should be taken into consideration are security and confidentiality concerns as they pertain to payroll, salary information, etcGenerally, the amount of money each employee earns is not widespread knowledge. If employee salaries are leaked that could cause some discord within the workplace. When a company insists on outsourcing the process of payroll, they must be very discriminating in their choice of providers. It must be handled only by people who are trustworthy in handling such privileged information. (Softwareprojects, 2007) When operations are handed over to an external party the likelihood of decreased employee morale becomes a greater possibility. Employee talent that has been generated within a business will tend to get discouraged if they are ignored in favor of someone outside of the company. Someone who has worked for a company for a long time can understand certain business issues and will be better equipped to handle them more so than an outsourced party. If they are not called upon to handle business matters that may arise, their growth is stunted and they may feel as if they are not an important entity. Their quality of work may suffer because of this notion or because they rebel against the organization. Either way, this could result in the loss of quality employees which could in turn end up costing the business more financially. (Brown, 2005) The sum total of all of the disadvantages listed above basically boils down to sheer loyalty to the organization. If operations are outsourced to an external group, their devotion is only to those who sign their paycheck. There simply is no familial environment culminated through years of work with a company. This is a very important factor as trust issues are involved and outsourcers must be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Personal Development Plan - Essay Example It shall also evaluate team building theories and the implications for effective management of practice. Finally, this paper shall justify my managerial style within the workplace. In effect, this paper shall critically analyse the evidence base for the action plan with the application of current management theories. Discussion As stated in the personal development plan, I need to develop my communication skills. At present, my communication skills are limited and they need improvement; more particularly, my English speaking skills need improvement. Communication is an important part of effective management because it assists in my self-improvement and it aids in successful management (Adair, 2009, p. 4). By increasing reading materials, I can improve my reading and writing skills; and by enrolling in private English classes, I can improve my grammar and syntax, as well as my technical writing skills. These methods can help inject confidence into my speaking, reading, writing, and li stening skills (Lehman, 2007, p. 69). Improving communication is a basic need or skill which has to be fulfilled before I can move on to bigger goals. Fulfilling this need is very much in keeping with the theory as set forth by Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of needs (Outward Bound, 2007, p. 56). There are different theories and motivation and leadership, and these theories affect the management of organizations. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, people start off fulfilling first their physiological needs and then go on to fulfil their safety, social, esteem, and finally self-actualization needs (Owston, n.d). People therefore can be motivated by their basic needs and also by other more noble goals or causes. For some employees, their motivation in working can start off with the basic need to feed their families (Marchionini, 2006, p. 42). At this stage, they would not look beyond the purpose of their work besides feeding themselves and their family. However, once t heir basic purpose is served, they go beyond that basic goal into higher goals – perhaps, that of saving for their family, and later serving humanity through their work (Marchionini, 2006, p. 42). In my case, my motivation for improving on my communication and eventually my information technology (IT) skills is to maximize use of our organizations’ IT programs. In terms of leadership, the loftier goal for many world leaders has been on the motivation of their armies – with one side insisting that his goal has more moral worth than the others (Owston, n.d). In this case, some leaders may see the need to deliver pain or threats in order to motivate, and others believe that doing so would not be effective ways of motivating people. In other ways, promising more tangible things like money, food, and even excitement can serve better ways of motivating people (Owston, n.d). In managing change, Maslow’s approach to leadership basically welcomes change because a member or even a leader eventually moves up in the hierarchy of needs. Once he fulfils a need, he has to change and move beyond that need on to bigger and better things (Koltko-Rivera, 2006, p. 302). Maslow’s theory therefore, handles and manages change well. McGregor divided human management into the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Management Accounting (performance indication, product and service Essay

Management Accounting (performance indication, product and service costing, budgeting) - Essay Example Product and service costing analysis will clear out the unnecessary costs that are being incurred by the institution thus taking corrective actions for the same. Through the estimation of the incremental budgeting we can assess as to the implementation of the same is required or not thereby suggesting other budgetary procedure which may or may not be implemented by the institution based on the present circumstances. The University of Newland has therefore adopted measures through the mode of financial tools like return on capital employed, incremental budgeting, standard costing and various other cost restricting tools in order to increase the profit margin of the organisation. These tools would also help them in setting a probable standard for themselves so that any deviation from the same could be anticipated beforehand. Dealing with Performance Indication From the given data related to the project of Management accounting we can observe that few performance tools have been used as in the separate subject department is considered to be an investment centre. Return on investment is one of the main tools for calculation of the various investment centres mentioned in the paper. The total income earned by the institution is 185mn pound which also gives us the estimation of the capital employed or to be employed by the organisation (Mowen, 2011, p.554). However, the targeted return of 7% on capital employed is the return to be generated from the operations of the institution. The assets here have to be forecasted in order to bring a change in the operating cost so much so that the target could be easily achieved. If higher productivity is achieved with lower manpower so that the cost of labour can be saved; this in turn will be the major factor behind building the base for the return of the capital employed. As the pay rates will rise over the time span, labour hour saving will help in the generation of positive return on capital employed. It is calculated as: ROC E= Net Operating income after tax (Morrell, 2001, p.131) Capital Employed Here investment centre means the responsibility that is designated to the manager for executing the responsibility of managing cost and revenue of the organisation. They are responsible for generating income and executing responsibility related to investment base (Drury, 2007, p.396). The responsibility centre has three sub heads namely, cost centre, profit centre and investment centre. The measurement of the performance in the cost centre depicts the efficiency of operation in quantitative terms of inputs used for the production of the given output. From the word profit we can understand the difference between the expenditure made of acquiring the input and the income generated from output of the organisation. Hence it is quite possible to derive both the effectiveness and the efficiency from the profit centre. On the other hand, the possibility or scope of a probable investment opportunity gives rise to an i nvestment cen

Language Arts Essay Example for Free

Language Arts Essay This topic will provide students with an interactive method of learning numeracy, literacy, inquiry and responsibility within the environment in which we live (Rice Wilson, 1999). It gives ample leeway for creating lessons within the subject areas of Science, Mathematics, Language Arts, and Social Studies. Such a unit will make students aware of the place and role of trees in the environment. It will also enhance their knowledge of the structure and function of trees as living things. Students will also understand how humans depend on trees in the environment and also how the activities of humans have adversely affected the environment in the past. Finally, it will make students aware of how their individual actions toward trees can improve the state of the environment. Overall Expectations: 1. Students will learn how trees grow. 2. Students will learn the uses that humans have for trees. 3. Students will explore what humans and trees have in common. 4. Students will learn size and texture comparisons from parts of trees. 5. Students will learn how to count using tree limbs, leaves, and other tree parts. 6. Students will learn numeracy and estimation by exploring how many more limbs are possessed by one tree over another. 7. Students will learn vocabulary and how to construct sentences about trees. 8. Students will learn about forests and how they have been harmed by humans in the past Specific Expectations Integrated Science Students will be expected to make connections between trees and the things in their lives made from trees. They will be expected to be able to tell the facts about trees. Such prompts will be given to allow them to name such characteristics as size, colour, and the different parts of a tree that they are familiar with. Student will also be expected to learn observation and note-taking skills as part of the scientific process. Mathematics Students should be able to demonstrate their knowledge of counting objects and of the fact that one number represents on object via counting branches, leaves, and other parts of trees. They are also expected to be able to perform arithmetic operations of adding and subtracting using tree icons as computational tools. Students are also expected to learn (or reinforce knowledge of) descriptors such as larger, longer, bigger, taller, thinner, and other comparisons. Language Arts Students are expected to learn vocabulary connected with trees and to recognize them as sight words. They are expected to make connections between trees, their parts, animals and humans, and should be able to construct simple sentences that explain facts about them. Students should also be able to recognize and properly use comparative adjectives such as tall and taller, thin and thinner, long and longer, etc. Specific Expectations Students will be expected to be able to understand the interactions of humans and animals with trees. They should be able to name such things that they have seen in trees, such as birds nests and squirrels. They will then be expected to understand whether trees are alive or dead and required to say why they have answered in a specific way.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparison Between Lan And Wan Architecture Computer Science Essay

Comparison Between Lan And Wan Architecture Computer Science Essay We have been given this assignment to discuss about the awareness of technologies that are related to the internet and the topic Internet application which we have decided that my topic will be Comparison between LAN and WAN architecture. Using this topic we would have to discuss the current and latest issues that are related to the topic and subject, furthermore discuss the uses of technology and internet applications used in the topic. This topic is about the networks that are used by users across the globe they use these wondrous networks to work, communicate, do business, find information and even play games. Ever since these networks are made people are able to purchase an item or send a massage all by the push of a button. WAN is a network that is more wide in range while LAN is a network that is more limited or has a localized range, both of these networks have their perks and drawbacks and this report is about to discuss all about them including the technologies involved. Objectives Introduce the latest issues of the topic Discuss about the topics advantages and disadvantages Discuss critical comments and analysis What is LAN and WAN Network Architectures WAN A network is a connection between two or more computers that share information, hardware and software with each other this connection can be established via wireless or non-wireless media. LAN and WAN are two different networks that are used by users all around the world. The internet is an example of a WAN network, WAN was first created in 1969 it was first a networking project by ARPANET Pentagons Advance Research Projects Agency the main goal of the project was to allow scientists all around the globe, at different locations to share their information. Only four host nodes at the time and grew to 1000 host nodes in 1984, today there are over 350 million host nodes worldwide using the internet. The internet uses Domain name and IP address to differentiate or identify the computers connected to the internet. WAN is a network that spans over large geographical areas and is consisting of smaller networks called LAN or MAN. WAN is mostly used for business, collecting information, commu nication and other daily uses regardless of the users location. There are many ways to access the internet for example trough Wireless Internet Service Provider, Access provider where some business that provides individuals and other companies and their employees access to the internet with payment or for free. LAN Local area network better known as LAN is a network that has a limited area such as a house, school, computer laboratory, workshop or a small office building. LAN is normally connected through a twisted pair cable, hub or Wi-Fi, LAN is also faster than WAN because of the small area of the network and that the network lack of the need for a leased telecommunication line, in order to share data, printers or a LAN party which means a gathering of users, computers and game consoles for a multiplayer game. In a LAN network there is the main computer called a server and remote computers called clients, a LAN connection can be wireless or wired. Wired LAN network uses cable to connect to all the computers which would like to join the network and the main device called a switch. The wireless however uses radio waves to connect with other clients. Comparison between LAN and WAN Network Architectures There are many differences between LAN and WAN networks, the table displayed below compares the many differences between these two everyday networks. Differences LAN WAN Speed Higher(1000mbps) Lower(150mbps) Owners Owned and controlled by only one user, organization or server Not owned by anyone or any organization Set up costs Set-up costs are low as the devices are low-cost Set-up cost is higher then LAN as the there will be a monthly payment for connection, some connections are free as they are provided by companies Data transfer rate Higher then WAN Lower then LAN Components Use hubs, repeaters, bridges and switches Use router, frame relay switches and multilayer switches Connection Telephone lines and radio waves Often connect trough public networks example telephone lines, leased lines, satellite Maintenance LAN network encounters fewer problems as there are few systems to deal with. Maintenance is easy, faster and cheaper than WAN More errors are encountered in WAN as there are many systems that are at work. Maintenance is harder, slower and tends to be more expensive then LAN Geographical Area LAN covers an area which is within 100meters in length WAN covers a geographical area which is more than 100meters in length Bandwidth High bandwidth then WAN is accessible Low bandwidth is accessible Technical Area of LAN and WAN Network Architectures LAN: How LAN connects LAN has both wired and wireless methods to connect to each other, most LAN networks have a cable running from every computer to a wall jack. The wall jack is connected to a very similar type of cable that runs to a patch panel in a wiring closet. A patch panel is simply cable ports that allow all of the cables coming out of each wall jack to be connected to the LAN freely. Any active wall jack must have the matching port in the patch panel connected to a switch in the wiring closet. A wiring closet is small room or area where all of the wires connect and a building that uses computer networking will have more than one of these wiring closets placed in them, these wiring closets are mainly used for LAN networking. If there are many switches in a wiring closet, they are connected to one or two switches within in the same closet. These serve to connect all of the switches there as well as some of the cable runs entering the room. The switches in a wiring closet are connected to a switch pair in a main wiring closet. The switch pair helps to connect the entire LAN together. These distribution switches connect to the routers that helps the network travel further, connect the switches to the internet or the WAN thus extending the LAN.C:UsersuserDownloadsLANArchitectureDiag1.jpeg LAN Network: Cabling or Wired network Coaxial cable Cable is a medium in where information flows freely from one network device to next and then the next. In a LAN network there are many different types of cables used to connect the devices and computers in it, in the early LAN cabling system LAN used various versions of the coaxial cable. These cables are hard to install and are highly resistant to signal interference. They have a single central solid wire that symmetrically surrounded by a braided or foil conductor. Between the center wire and foil there is the insulation wire and then comes the copper mesh and the outer insulator.C:UsersuserDownloadscoaxla.gif Twisted-pair cable A twisted-pair cable is a cable that is made with an interesting technique, by intertwining the two separate insulated cables together with a certain color code, by doing this process it helps blocking out the electromagnetic interference EMI that could cause problems in the information sent through it. This cable is also the most widely used cable or the most suitable one for LAN networks. There are two different types of twisted pair cable unshielded twisted-pair UTP and shielded twisted-pair STP, the difference is that the STP has a fine wire mesh that surrounds the wire to protect transmissions while the UTP does not, and this is why the UTP is more sensitive than the STP. The STP can also extend to maximum distances and can withstand most environments. This cable was used in IBMs Token Ring in LAN implementation. C:UsersuserDownloadsutp and stp.jpg Fiber Optic cable Fiber optic cable is a the latest version of a LAN cable since the twisted-pair cable, this cable consists of tiny hair like fiber optic glass tubes that transmit the data which is protected by several layers of protective material called Kevlar. These hair like glass tubes transmit information or data with light signals rather than electronic signals, with this design and technology he fiber optic cable eliminates electrical interference, the cable is also known for its immunity to the effects of moisture and lightning which makes it ideal for network connections between buildings. This cable has the ability to transmit signals faster and further then both the coaxial and twisted-pair cable. However there are several disadvantages of the cable, which are the cable is more difficult to install and more costly than both the twisted-pair cable and the coaxial cable.C:UsersuserDownloadsFiber-Cable.jpg LAN Network Topology Network topology is the way they are assembled in which the network of computers and devices connect, each of this topology are used for a specific task and have their own advantages and disadvantages. The computers or users in a network topology are called nodes. Most network topology use a cable as a medium. Bus Topology The bus network topology is the simplest way to connect with multiple nodes, the bus has a single main cable that connects to other nodes, this main cable is also known as the backbone. Each node is connected one right after the other along the backbone, data or information that is sent from a node goes through the backbone until it reaches its receiving node, if an information or data sent such as an email does not reaches the receiving node it will be sent to the terminator which deletes the email completely. The bus is commonly used for implementing Ethernet at 10mbps.C:UsersuserDownloadsbus_topology.gif Advantages Disadvantages Easy to connect to computer or peripheral Backbone breaks entire system shutdown Requires less cable length then star topology Troubleshooting is difficult Ring Topology The ring network is a network topology where each node connects to two other nodes beside it forming a circle or ring and a single continuous link, the nodes are then connected to a main node or the first node. In the network information is passed from one node to the other, which means that a node acts as both the receiver and sender.C:UsersuserDownloadsRING_Topology.png Advantages Disadvantages Easy to wire and install If one node fails entire system fails Troubleshooting is difficult when the entire network fails. Star Topology Star topology is the most common network topology used, unlike the previous topology network the star has a hub or switch in its center, which acts as a conduit that transmits information through the network. Every device in the network is connected to the hub. The hub does not preform filtering or routing type tasks.C:UsersuserDownloadsfigure2.jpg Advantages Disadvantages Easy to modify and add new computers to network without shutting down network Requires more cable then bus and ring topology If one node fails the rest of the network will still function If the hub or switch goes fails the entire network fails Troubleshooting is easy More expensive WAN: NSP NSP also known as network service provider is an organization that does business by selling bandwidth or access to networks such as the internet by providing the backbone access to the internet itself as such the NSP is sometimes referred to or also known as backbone providers or internet providers. WAN network uses NSP to connect to other networks around the world and this is how, by connecting the NSP of other WANs together using links at Internet Packet Interchanges a global communication infrastructure is formed, these interchanges are also called peering points. The NSPs do not generally handle individual customer accounts except for the major corporate customers, but instead deal with intermediate organizations that they can charge for high capacity communications. They generally have an agreement to exchange certain volumes of data at a certain quality of service with other NSPs. So practically any NSP can reach any other NSP, but may require the use of one or more other NSP n etworks to reach the required destination. NSPs vary in terms of the transit delay, transmission rate, and connectivity offered.C:UsersuserDownloadswan.gif WAN: Dial-up access Dial-up internet is a connection which is made by the modem that is built in your computer and through a standard telephones line, by running by running the telephone line to the modem the computer can connect to the internet. This dialing must be done with a specific phone number. The dial-up system is a method that has been the thing of the past as it tends to take a long time to establish a connection with the internet, when it does the internet speed will be very slow. DSL DSL or dial subscribe line is a family of technologies that provide internet access by transmitting data by using the local telephone lines. POTS or better known as Plain Old Telephone Service One, POTS makes the most of the telephone companys wires and equipment is by limiting the frequencies that the switches, telephones and other equipment will carry. Human voices, speaking in normal conversational tones, can be carried in a frequency range of 0 to 3,400 Hertz cycles per second  for a great demonstration of this. This range of frequencies is tiny. These telephone lines are connected by copper wires to each home. Wi-Fi Wi-Fi is a wireless modem that allows a computer to connect to the internet. Wi-Fi can be less secure then the cable connections as bad weather or any other electrical interferences could damage the connection. Wi-Fi has adopted various encryption technologies. The early encryption  WEP, proved easy to break. Higher quality protocols WPA, WPA2 were added later. An optional feature added in 2007, called  Wi-Fi Protected Setup or  WPS, had a serious flaw that allowed an attacker to recover the routers password. Slow speed technology High speed technology Dial-up access uses a modem built in the computer that connects to the telephone line in the house to connect to the internet Cable modem, DSL, WI-FI and satellite modems Connection must be switched on when computer is turned on Connection is always on, when computer is running C:UsersuserDownloadsWAN-network.gif Critical Comments and Analysis This assignment has been a very interesting experience, not only have I learned a lot more regarding aspects of the Internet Applications module but it has also improved my understanding regarding various issues related to Wan and Lan network architectures. Ive come to understand that fundamental difference between them especially in the ways they function, and also in the way to set them up. Lan and Wan are two different networks architectures that are built to serve various users types and will come to play a very fundamental role as the world of information technology develops further. Conclusions The conclusion is, that LAN and WAN is two different networks yet both are just as important, these networks are used every day by everyday people like us. We use them to gather information and communicate with each other. This technology has helped develop our community and will continue developing it.