Sunday, June 2, 2019

Cultural Adjustment :: essays papers

Cultural AdjustmentAn analysis of cultural shocksComing to America was nonpareil of my dreams, so I started working on it andafter completing collage, I received the visa for the States and boughtthe ticket to come to America. I was a little bit abstruse because Ihad been hearing ab come to the fore America since my childhood. There is a hugecultural difference between my society and the modern society of theStates, and because of these differences, my friends and I set about someproblems after coming here. These problems are commonly called culturalshocks. By analyzing the differences between America and my owncountry of Pakistan, in the areas of gender roles, family, marriage andcelebrations, one can see how cultural shocks occur.Since my birth, I have been living in a society where the men and womenare not all to interact with distri barelyively other as over here. It is one of thebiggest differences in my culture and the culture here. There areusually separate classes for gi rls and boys in my society, but overhere, on that point is no concept of this. In addition, I know you willsurprise to earn that having a boyfriend for a girl or a girlfor a boy is a difficult achievement.In my society there is a joint family system, the children livetogether with their parents whether they are under 18 or not. Overhere, there is a concept of individualism. Every one has anindividual life, making their own decisions for every thing. Here, aperson over 18 living with his parents is considered an immatureperson. In my culture, a person not living with his parents doesnthave a respectable place in the society, because it is our social andreligious impost to take care of our parents.Divorce is common here, but in my society its not good to even thinkabout it. People are divorced, but not as commonly as over here. Forexample, among every 100 married people, perhaps just one is divorced,but over here out of hundred, about fifty are divorced or separated.Also, some co uples live together without a legal marriage.One day, I went to a wedding Lords Supper with my uncle .It was one of hisfriends weddings. I just sat there, wondering when the people wouldsing songs and when the lunch would start, but after kissing eachother, my uncles friend and his wife went on a long drive in their carwith a poster on the back saying, Just got married. It was reallysurprising for me to attend a wedding like this, because in my culture,

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