Friday, May 15, 2020

Climate Change And How It Works - 900 Words

The environmental science principle behind the article deals with climate change and how it works. Climate change described by our textbook states, â€Å"The greenhouse effect describes the heating of the earth’s atmosphere. The â€Å"greenhouse effect† keeps average temperatures above freezing and supports life, but too much heating can be harmful in greenhouse or in our atmosphere. Over the past 200 years, we have been emitting heat-absorbing gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs) at a dramatic increase. As a consequence, more heat is retained in the atmosphere (Textbook Citation). As these greenhouse emissions are being released into the atmosphere, it is causing the Earth’s average temperature to increase which if something is not done immediately, it will cause a domino effect of disastrous outcomes. The purpose of the published study is to inform the public about our current situation and what studies have shown if something is not done immediately. The tertia ry article states the outcome by 2075 by saying, â€Å"The researchers found that the extreme heat waves were more likely to be even hotter than those experience in the present, with heat waves across 60 percent of the land surface having temperatures 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than heat waves now. The study predicts that by 2075, 60 percent of the land surface on the Earth could experience these dramatic events (Tertiary Citation). The primary article broke down by using, â€Å"ensembles from the Community Earth System ModelShow MoreRelatedClimate Change Is A Serious Reason For Nervousness1497 Words   |  6 PagesClimate change is a serious reason for nervousness. It touches all parts of life on our planet. Mostly every scientist claims that anthropogenic global warming is to blame for climate change. Nevertheless, there is a small fraction of people that deny the very presence of global warming. 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